A review of clay based photocatalysts: Role of phyllosilicate mineral …

Over the past decades, inspired by the outstanding properties of clay minerals such as abundance, low-cost, environmental benignity, high stability, and regularly arranged silica-alumina framework, researchers put much efforts on the interface assembly and surface modification of natural minerals with bare photocatalysts, i.e. TiO 2, g-C 3 N 4, ZnO, MoS 2, etc.

Mineral Database

Rectorite, previously known as allevardite, is a clay mineral with a structure consisting of a regular interleaving of dioctahedral mica and dioctahedral smectite layers.

Crystal chemistry of Na-rich rectorite from North Little Rock, …

The Jeffrey Quarry rectorite studied was obtained from the Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University Greifswald clay mineral collection. The sample consists of soft aggregates of rectorite and cookeite foliae together with quartz crystals in accordance with the descriptions of Brown & and Miser & Milton . Rectorite was separated by disaggregating the ...

Structure and properties of polypropylene/organic rectorite

Melt blending using a twin-screw extruder was used to prepare composites of polypropylene (PP)/organic rectorite (PR). The organic rectorite (OREC) was modified with dodecyl benzyl dimethyl ammonium bromide (1227). Wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD) and transmission electron microscopy were used to investigate the dispersion of OREC in the ...

Clay minerals for pharmaceutical wastewater treatment

Clay minerals have been used widely in wastewater treatment. There are many published articles on the removal of inorganic and nonmetallic pollutants, colors, heavy metal ions, pesticides, oils and greases from various wastewaters (Booker et al., 1996, Srimurali et al., 1998).In particular, heavy metal laden wastewater treatment is the most studied (Abollino et al., …

Multifaceted role of clay minerals in pharmaceuticals

Clay, a group of natural minerals with plastic properties are primarily composed of hydrous-layer silicates of aluminium, occasionally containing magnesium and iron particles of smaller size, in other words, less than 2 μm (7.9 × 10 −5 inch). Hence, in broader terms, clay minerals practically involve minerals of the above-cited particles size.

Highly ordered and hexagonal mesoporous silica materials with …

Rectorite with specific texture is a rare variety of clay minerals with a 2:1 layer structure. It is a regularly interstratified clay mineral of dioctahedral mica layer and dioctahedral montmorillonite layer in a 1:1 ratio.

Mechanism of tetracycline sorption on rectorite

Rectorite is a regular interstratified clay mineral made of 1:1 ratio of a nonswelling illite component and a swelling montmorillonite component. Thus, its sorptive properties would be similar to that of illite and montmorillonite. Although rectorite is not a common mineral, mixed-layered clay minerals made of illite and montmorillonite are ...

The Origin of Pyrophyllite

mixed-layer clay mineral rectorite seems to form as a result of the alteration of muscovite-paragonite during late stages of diagenesis and represents an inter­ mediate metastable phase …

Pathways of Smectite Illitization | Clays and Clay Minerals

Junction probability diagrams show variation in both composition and layer arrangement in mixed-layer clay minerals. These diagrams can represent short-range and long-range ordered, random, and segregated interstratifications. Mineralogical analyses of illite/smectite from shale cuttings, bentonites, and hydrothermally altered tuffs define characteristic reaction pathways through …

Pathways of Smectite Illitization | Clays and Clay Minerals

Junction probability diagrams show variation in both composition and layer arrangement in mixed-layer clay minerals. These diagrams can represent short-range and long-range ordered, random, and segregated interstratifications. ... fall near a line connecting rectorite and illite, which represents the maximum degree of R1 layer ordering. No ...

Preparation, Structure, and Properties of a Novel …

Rectorite is an interstratification layered silica mineral ... TEM micrographs of the rectorite/NBR nanocomposite with various clay contents are shown in Figure 2. The dark lines or areas are the ...

Applied Clay Science

Recently, clay minerals have attracted extensive attention for the removal of pollutants from water, due to their high specific surface area, negatively charged surface and high cation exchange capacity (Biswas et al., 2019; Wei et al., 2018).Typically, rectorite (Rec) is an interstratified mineral composed of dioctahedral montmorillonite and dioctahedral mica in a 1:1 …

From natural aluminosilicate minerals to zeolites: synthesis …

Clay minerals, as abundant natural resources, are among the most suitable supporting materials for nano metal. In this manuscript, new Fe 3 O 4 nanoparticle/rectorite (Fe 3 O 4 /rectorite) catalysts are developed via in-situ precipitation oxidation reaction.

Morphological Characteristics of (K, Na)-Rectorite from …

The Zhongxiang rectorite was generated by both layer-by-layer growth mechanism and dissolution and crystallization growth mechanism with multistages. ... Clays and Clay Minerals, 45: 517–533 doi: 10.1346/CCMN.1997.0450404: Bailey, S. W., Brindley, G. W., Kodama, H., et al., 1982. Report of the Clay Minerals Society Nomenclature Committee 1980 ...

Ca-Bearing Rectorite from Tooho Mine, Japan | Clays and Clay Minerals …

Brindley, G. W. and Brown, G., (1961) Quantitative analysis of clay mixtures X-ray Identification and Crystal Structures of Clay Minerals 2 London Mineral. Society 489 – 516 . Google Scholar

Insights into the adsorption behaviour and mechanism of …

Insights into the adsorption behaviour and mechanism of tetracycline on rectorite mineral: Influence of surface and structure evolution. Author links open overlay panel ... So far, a large variety of different adsorbents, including clay minerals, zeolites and activated carbon, have been employed and developed to remove TC from polluted water ...

Green synthesis of zeolites from a natural aluminosilicate mineral …

Table 1 presents the chemical compositions of REC, R900 and R1100 in terms of oxides, with the latter two being the representatives of the RT series. It can be seen from Table 1 that the natural rectorite mineral is a Ca-rich clay mineral, i.e., it contains more calcium than other alkaline metals. It is also noted that the thermally activated ...

Transmission Electron Microscope Data for Rectorite: …

Transmission Electron Microscope Data for Rectorite: Implications for the Origin and Structure of "Fundamental Particles" - Volume 34 Issue 2 ... These results further imply that grinding and other treatment of coherent crystals of clay minerals may produce individual unit layers. Moreover, when coupled with size-separation, such treatment ...

First-principles study of illite–smectite and implications for clay

Illite–smectite interstratified clay minerals are ubiquitous in sedimentary basins and they have been linked to the maturation, migration and trapping of hydrocarbons1, rock cementation2 ...

Effects of illite–smectite clay minerals on the …

Illite–smectite (I-Sm) clay minerals widely existed in clay-rich rocks or sediments. Understanding the effects of I-Sm clay minerals on the thermal evolution of organic matters (OMs) may facilitate interpreting hydrocarbon …

The Origin of Pyrophyllite Rectorite in Shales of North …

The regular mixed-layer clay mineral rectorite seems to form as a result of the alteration of muscovite-paragonite during late stages of diagenesis and represents an intermediate metastable phase in the mineral paragenetic sequence. Pyrophyllite subsequently formed from the alteration of rectorite during advancing metamorphism and is the stable ...

Rectorite | mineral | Britannica

In clay mineral: Interstratified clay minerals, rectorite (dioctahedral mica/montmorillonite), tosudite (dioctahedral chlorite/smectite), corrensite (ctahedral vermiculite/chlorite), hydrobiotite …

Adsorption and intercalation of tetracycline by swelling clay minerals

The swelling clay minerals used were SWy-2, a low charge Na-montmorillonite, SAz-1, a high charge Ca-montmorillonite, and a rectorite. The montmorillonites were obtained from Clay Mineral Repositories in Purdue University (West Lafayette, IN). They were used as received without further purification.

Mixed-layer clays

Clay mineral crystals contain from a few to few hundred silicate layers (1 : 1 or 2 : 1 ... The vermiculitic layer may evolve toward smectite, giving rectorite-like clay (Wilson and Nadeau, 1985). Partial chloritization of vermiculitic interlayer is, however, more common. Clays of this type are called soil vermiculites, soil chlorites, ...

Investigation of the structural and electrical conductivity …

Clay minerals, as biofriendly and low-cost materials, are highly essential for the modern industrial applications including the production of clean energy, its storage and …

Insights into the adsorption behaviour and mechanism of

Request PDF | Insights into the adsorption behaviour and mechanism of tetracycline on rectorite mineral: Influence of surface and structure evolution | The abuse of tetracycline has caused serious ...

Hectorite Mineral Data

Clay mineral from altered volcanic tuff ash with a high silica content related to hot spring activity. Smectite group mineral. IMA Status: Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1936 : Locality: Company No. 1 mine, 3 miles south of Hector, San Bernardino Co., California.

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