Modification of Lime-Fly Ash-Crushed Stone with

The results indicate that lime-fly ash-crushed stone modified with phosphogypsum has the required strength of the road base material and favourable performances in environment (wetting-drying cycle) stability.

Experimental Study on the Road Performance of …

To assess the impact of solid waste phosphogypsum on the road performance of lime-fly ash-stabilized red clay, we conducted comprehensive tests on the road performance, swelling and shrinkage characteristics, and mechanical properties of lime-fly ash soil with varying phosphogypsum content and curing age. Additionally, we analyzed the microstructure and …

The Use of By-Product Phosphogypsum for Road Bases …

One concept involves the use of fly ash or portland ce ment stabilized by-product phosphogypsum mixtures for construction of road bases and subbases. The results of a study conducted by the …

Mix optimization and mechanical properties evaluation of lime-fly ash

Combined with the initial consumption of lime (ICL) test result and relevant specifications, the optimized mix ratios are as follows: 2% lime + 11.82% fly ash and 2% lime + 3.95% fly ash can reach the strength requirement of road base and subbase, respectively; 2% lime + 3.84% fly ash in building foundations and subgrade and 2% lime + 3.55% fly ...

Research on Pavement Performance of Cement-Stabilized …

2.1.3. MSWI BA . The MSWI BA is taken from the municipal solid waste incineration power plant in Jilin Province of China, which is gray-brown (Figure 1) and mainly composed of incineration bottom ash, brick, glass fragments and ceramic fragments.The municipal solid waste is obtained by a series of processes such as incineration, crushing and screening, which have certain …

Study on lime–fly ash–phosphogypsum binder | Request …

The stabilization of earth materials with a mixture of gypsum (8-10 wt% of dry earth) and lime (2.5-5 wt%), named Alker [15], has been used since the 1980's for the production of adobe in Turkey ...

Strength and Stiffness Evaluation of a Fiber-Reinforced …

The utilization of waste fly ash in road construction is primarily confined to its use in embankment filling or as a stabilizer when combined with lime and cement. Its application in structural pavement layers, such as the base and subbase, faces a challenge due to the high volume of fine particles, which renders it brittle when stabilized. In this study, fly ash was …

Modification of Lime‐Fly Ash‐Crushed Stone with …

The results indicate that lime-fly ash-crushed stone modified with phosphogypsum has the required strength of the road base material and favourable performances in …

Soil Stabilization with Lime and Fly Ash – theconstructor

🕑 Reading time: 1 minute Lime and fly ash materials have binding properties, so they are used for the stabilization of soil. Fly ash is the waste material generated from the thermal power plants, so their use make the soil stabilization cheaper.

Dry shrinkage performance of cement-stabilized reclaimed lime-fly ash …

The early lime and fly ash-stabilized crushed stone base was commonly known as reclaimed lime-fly ash macadam (RLFM) [5], [6], and the main material is a 35–70-mm coarse-grained stone with open gradation and high voids. The mass of lime and fly ash accounts for approximately 35% of the total. In recent years, the RLFM level has caused several ...

Design and performance of lime and fly-ash stabilized steel …

The use of fly ash as a stabilizer for SS base has been widely studied, as in LFSS [59], lime-fly ash stabilized steel slag and crushed stone [71], fly ash-steel slag soil [72], and fly ash-steel ...

Modification of Lime-Fly Ash-Crushed Stone with …

Modification of Lime-Fly Ash-Crushed Stone with Phosphogypsum for Road Base Hao Zhang,1 Yuan Cheng,1 Lei Yang,2 and Weikang Song1 1School of Civil Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, Henan 450001, China 2Henan Information and Statistics Vocational College, Zhengzhou, Henan 450008, China

Improvement of subgrade California Bearing Ratio (CBR) …

The improvement of unconfined compressive strength, Atterberg limits, swelling index, and CBR of fly ash stabilized soil was ... but an estimated amount of 52000 metric tons of fly ash is produced ... a penetration test in which the ratio of the penetration resistance of a particular soil sample to that of a standard crushed stone is calculated

(PDF) Effects of Lime Stabilization with Fly Ash …

This study explored the impact of lime stabilization combined with fly ash on the geotechnical properties of compacted clay soil collected from Mirpur-11, Dhaka, at a depth of 13 feet.

Study on the shrinkage performance of lime-fly ash stabilized crushed stone

In order to study the effect of several factors on the shrinkage performance of lime-fly ash stabilized crushed stone,temperature shrinkage coefficients and dry shrinkage coefficients of the mixtures with different gradations,lime and fly contents and ages were measured.The results indicate that the mixture with a stone-on-stone contact has a better shrinkage-resistance …

Stabilization of Clay Soils Using Fly Ash

stabilization are lime, cement, fly ash etc. (Hayashi, 1999). ... PI decreased with increasing both stone ash and sewage sludge contents. ... about 15 million tons of fly ash are removed from the ...

Recent Experiences With Lime – Fly Ash Stabilization Of …

Lime-fly ash or portland cement can be used to stabilize soils with PI less than 20. However, the lime is better to react with and breakdown the clay fraction than Portland cement.

Stabilization of soft clay soil using Fly ash and Lime …

3) Mixing material like lime stone dust and fly ash must be available in high potential for this type of soil. 4) The soil stabilised with fly ash only showed maxi-mum strength of 1.49g/cc at 9% fly ash. 5) The soil stabilised with lime stone dust only showed maximum strength of 1.40g/cc at 10% lime stone dust.


Mix soil, lime and water either in-place or off-site in a borrow area. Use the mixed materials to construct lime treated subgrade as shown in the Contract Documents. BID ITEMS UNITS Lime Ton Manipulation (Lime Treated Subgrade) Square Yard Water (Lime Treated Subgrade) (Set Price) M Gallon 302.2 MATERIALS

Stabilization of Expansive Soil by Fly Ash and Stone Dust

The primary reason fly ash is used in soil stabilization applications is to improve the compressive and shearing strength of soils. The performance of fly ash and stone dust was studied by …

Shrinkage Performance of Lime-Fly Ash Stabilized Crushed Stone

In order to study the effect of several factors on the shrinkage performance of lime-fly ash stabilized crushed stone, temperature shrinkage coefficients and dry shrinkage coefficients of mixtures with different gradations, lime and fly content and age were measured. Results indicate that mixture with a stone-on-stone contact has better shrinkage-resistance performance; For …

Evaluation of Strength Properties of Sand Stabilized with Wood Fly Ash

For the production of cement-stabilized bearing layers, granular stone material (natural sandy gravel, crushed stone material, or their mixtures) or sand is used as the basic aggregate. The use of sandy gravel and the crushed stone aggregate also results in better mechanical properties of stabilization mixtures, while sandy materials produce ...

Compressive strength of various mixtures.

Zhang et al. [12] explored the feasibility of using PG to replace some of the lime and aggregate in the fly ash-lime stabilized crushed stone mixture, and found that addition of the PG with a ...

Utilization of waste materials for soil stabilization: A …

It is possible to overcome the inferior swelling, shrinkage, and swelling potential of expansive soils by a variety of chemical and physical stabilization techniques. This article offers a comprehensive review on stabilization of soil using cement, lime, fly ash, RHA, SCBA, Waste stone/brick dust, plastic fibers.

Partial replacement of sand by fine-grained crushed waste …

Partial replacement of sand by fine-grained crushed waste glass along with fly ash stabilization for geotechnical applications in pavement ... as well as the microstructure of geopolymers based on recycled glass powder from the manufacturing of lime residue for soil stabilization, were analyzed. The combinations revealed the cementing materials ...

Soil and Base Stabilization and Associated Drainage …

short tons (2000 b 8 0 907 TEMPERATURE - (exact) temperature TEMPERATURE - (exact) ternpel sture . ... TYPICAL PROPERTIES OF LIME-FLY ASH STABILIZED SOILS 129 Admixtures ..... 130 Compressive Strength ..... 131 Flexural Strength ...

Investigation on the application of steel slag–fly ash…

The fly ash was obtained from Wuhan Qingshan Thermoelectric Plan, the specific surface area of this fly ash is 293 m 2 /kg, the apparent density is 2210 kg/m 3, its chemical compositions are listed in Table 1, its particle size distribution is illustrated in Fig. 2.. The phosphogypsum was obtained from Wuhan Inorganic Salt Chemical Plant, its apparent density …

Stabilization of soft clay soil using Fly ash and Lime …

• To study the effect of different amounts of fly ash and lime stone dust added to clay soil on the geotechnical properties of soft soil. • To find out the optimum quantity of fly ash and lime stone …

Design and Performance of Lime and Fly-ash Stabilized …

Laboratory tests were carried out to investigate the performance of lime and fly-ash inorganic binder stabilized steel-slag and crushed-stone aggregate mixtures for pavement base.The test results and analyses indicate that the unconfined compressive strengths of the mixtures increase significantly with the increase of slag content.In other words,the slag can reduce the use of the …

A study on soil stabilization by addition of fly ash and lime

The use of fly ash in soil stabilization for roads and other kinds of pavements has been prompted by its low cost and the shortage of good natural base course materials in many areas. Soil stabilization with lime fly ash mixtures is still in the experimental stage, but many streets and highways have been so constructed, and recent reports ...

Calculate #73 Crushed Limestone | Cubic Yard (or Feet) to …

Type in inches and feet of your project and calculate the estimated amount of Base Material in cubic yards, cubic feet and Tons, that your need for your project. The Density of #73 Crushed …

Experimental Study on the Road Performance of High …

Experimental Study on the Road Performance of High Content of Phosphogypsum in the Lime–Fly Ash Mixture. ... Mixture PG Fly ash Lime Crushed stone. A6 0 3 2 8 0. B4 0 5 4 6 0. C1 5 2 0 6 5 9 ...

Lime Construction Calculators | Lime Association

Our Lime Association calculators help to calculate exactly how much lime is necessary for your project. Skip to main content; Skip to footer; Login. Call us 512-771-3667. Email at DaleRand@limetexas. Watch LIME. ... Total Tons …

Shrinkage and Durability of Waste Brick and Recycled …

The proportion of cement and fly ash should be within 1:3–1:5, whereas the best fly ash content is within 10–20% [32,33] Through preliminary adaptation, the cement content is determined to be 4%, whereas the fly ash content is determined to be 15%. The recycled gravel aggregate of brick and concrete is divided into four grades, in ...

Soil-Lime Fly Ash Stabilization Research

road in July 1959 using hydrated lime-bottom slag-fly ash to support Euclids with gross loads approaching 7 0, 000 pounds. ( 2 ) As this report is being prepared, ALCOA has under construction another haul road using lime-fly ash subgrade stabilization. Compacting Lime (4%) - Fly Ash (8%) and Subgrade Soil (88%) with a 70,000

Site Stabilization Calculator

Quickly, easily and accurately calculate spread rates of stabilizing powders like cement and quicklime or liquid stabilizers like emulsion & ed asphalt. You can also estimate …


Mix soil, lime and water either in-place or off-site in a borrow area. Use the mixed materials to construct a uniform lime treated subgrade as shown in the Contract Documents. BID ITEMS UNITS Lime Ton Manipulation (Lime Treated Subgrade) Square Yard Water (Lime Treated Subgrade) (Set Price) M Gallon 302.2 MATERIALS

Properties of Cement and Lime-Fly Ash Stabilized …

Dry shrinkage and freeze-thaw characteristics of cement and lime-fly ash-aggregate mixtures containing sub-bituminous, self-cementitious Alberta fly ashes were evaluated in the …

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