Profilograph Definition & Meaning

: an instrument borne on wheels for recording automatically the profile of the land over which it travels. : an instrument for measuring smoothness of a surface (as of a metal casting) by …


Bridge Profilograph - consists of a 12 ft long frame supported on one wheel at each end with an outrigger wheel for balancing support (see Figure 1). The profile is recorded from the vertical movement of a wheel attached at the midpoint of the frame and is in reference to the mean

CS8500 California Profilograph

CS8500 California Profilograph. Testing Bridges and Highways Since the 1960's. Products Brochure. CS8500 California Profilograph. Overview; Hardware & Software; Options; Gallery Latest News & Articles. News. 2024 Opens with …


Profilograph output. Response Type Road Roughness Meters (RTRRMs) The third category of roughness data collection equipment is the response type road roughness meters (RTRRMs), often called "road meters". RTRRM systems are adequate for routine monitoring of a pavement network and providing an overall picture of the condition of the network.

Frequently Asked Questions for Ride Specifications

The profilograph is a manually propelled device that uses rolling wheels. Profilographs have limited and erratic frequency response to the pavement roughness. The inertial profiler uses laser sensors and can travel at highway speed. Inertial profilers provide more

The Original Paveset

Paveset Survey Profilograph; Rideability Checks; Computerised Level Control (for pavers and milling machines) Design; Paveset has gained worldwide recognition as the most versatile system of level control used on Airports, Motorways and varied civil …

What is a Profilograph?

A profilograph is a device designed to measure roughness in a surface. Roughness can be calculated in a number of different ways and provides important information about the quality …


Bridge Profilograph - The Bridge Profilograph must be one of the following: a. 12 ft long rigid beam frame supported on one wheel at each end with an outrigger wheel for balancing support (see Figure 1a). Motive power for the beam frame profilograph is supplied manually from the push handle in the rear.

Measuring Pavement Profile| Concrete Construction Magazine

The most common device used for measuring pavement smoothness is the profilograph. Although several other devices are available for measuring pavement profiles at …


Profilograph or a 16 ft (5 m) straightedge. (Art. 407.09) 16 ft (5 m) straightedge will be used on the following pavement surfaces: a. Locations listed in the following Table shall be tested in the wheel path with the 16 ft (5 m) straightedge set to the tolerance specified. ____ Location Tolerance ...

FDOT: State Materials Office

Figure 3 California Profilograph 2.4 Rainhart Profilograph The Rainhart profilograph operates similar to the California profilograph. The major difference is that the Rainhart profilograph uses twelve wheels arranged in four groups of three. This wheel arrangement ensures that each wheel travels a separate path. This allows measurement of twelve

Surface Systems & Instruments (SSI)

A manufacturer of specialty devices that test the profile (or smoothness) of surfaces, including roads, floors (flatness/levelness), and bridges.

What is a Profilograph?

A profilograph is a device designed to measure roughness in a surface. Roughness can be calculated in a number of different ways and provides important information about the quality and safety of a surface, as well as its suitability for an intended use.


on new concrete pavements has historically been the California profilograph. Recently, some states have been looking at different smoothness measurement devices, so that the data reported is compati-ble with pavement management system (PMS) data. What is IRI?


The profilograph records the roadway surface profile from the vertical movement of a wheel attached to the frame at midpoint (profile wheel) and is - in reference to the mean elevation of the points ofcontact with the road way surface established by the support wheels. The profilograph shall use an electronic recording device.


The profilograph is propelled at walking speed approximately 3 mph (approximately 5 km/h) in the paths indicated for each section of pavement Figure 1. Propulsion may be provided by …

Pavement Smoothness | Services | The Transtec Group

When measuring pavement profiles, we take "samples" of the elevation at evenly spaced points. Measuring techniques have evolved over time. In earlier years, we used manual equipment such as a Profilograph. Today, we commonly use highway-speed laser-based systems termed Inertial Profilers. However, even with modern equipment, pavement ...


Align profilograph with the area of pavement to be tested. Remove both truss lock pins and lower the profilograph from the trailering to the testing position by rotating the lowering lever in a clockwise direction. 4. Position the chart drive selector …

Profilograph Testing

Profilograph Testing . Smoother roads, which translate to better ride quality, are the public's number one transportation demand. According to the Federal Highway Administration and the National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA), smooth roads last longer, are safer and save money because they require less maintenance.

Face TR34 Profileograph

The TR34, EN 15620:2008 * and the ACI F-min Profileographs are identical and are the only true simulators of materials handling equipment in very narrow aisles.

What is a Profilometer? | GD&T Basics

Optical profilometers include 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D profiling devices. These devices use light to measure features on a surface, and their operation can be based on a number of different principles, including optical interference, use of confocal apertures, focus detection, and pattern projection.. Despite the breadth of this group of instruments, they share points of …

Narrow-Aisle, Defined-Traffic Floor Flatness

Profilograph. This instrument is a digital reading and recording, automated, self-propelled, differential profileograph. The instrument is capable of accurately collecting and reporting floor elevation differences to ± 0.002 inches …

CIT book cover template

concrete and asphalt pavement using the California type 25-foot (7.6 mm), profilograph or equivalent. 2. APPARATUS 2.1. California type, 25-foot (7.6 mm), profilograph or equivalent Figure 1, with pointer. The 25-foot (7.6 mm) profilograph is a rolling straight edge; which measures vertical deviations from a moving 25-foot (7.6 mm) reference plane.

Tech Brief

Tech Brief - FHWA West ia Division

Pavement Smoothness Index Relationships

The profilograph is widely used to measure and control initial smoothness by producing profile traces, which can be evaluated to identify severe bumps and to establish an easily understood, overall measure of smoothness, the profile index (PI). However, concerns about the accuracy of the profilograph have grown significantly in the last decade.

International Cybernetics | Infrastructure Management …

International Cybernetics and Infrastructure Management Services ICC- IMS are leaders in roadway pavement and sidewalk condition surveys. They are also leading providers in non- destructive equipment manufacturing.

Ames Engineering | Home

Ames Engineering is at the forefront in the development of sensor technology for pavement measurements. Over the years, we have worked side-by-side with the paving industry and government agencies to develop systems that yield …

Profile Viewing and Analysis Software

Profilograph Simulation: simulate Profilograph traces, report Profilograph Indices, etc; Rolling Straightedge Simulation: simulate Rolling Straightedge traces; Profile Synchronization: synchronize profiles and determine their repeatability/accuracy based on cross correlation; Profiler Certification: produce repeatability

CIT book cover template

Profilographs are low-speed profile measurement systems (2 to 5 mi/hr [3 to 8 km/hr]) that consist of a rigid frame, a center profiling wheel, and a system of support wheels to provide a datum.

Pavement Smoothness Requirements

Historically, many states used a profilograph specification for measurement of pavement ride quality for construction purposes. Although this was an effective tool, the technology is over a half century old and IPS technologies are more accurate and more efficient and it should be the goal of all agencies to convert to IPS measurement systems.

Standard Test Method for Measuring Pavement Roughness …

FIG. 1 Typical Profilograph 1.2 This test method utilizes a surface record made by moving the profilograph longitudinally over the pavement at less than 3 mph (5 km/hr). The …


Profiler The Greenwood Profiler is a professional road survey system used by road authorities and national road research institutes world-wide for cost-effective maintenance of the road surface and the surroundings. Pavement profile characteristics and status of surrounding road equipment are essential to optimize road maintenance, reduce risk of accidents and increase mobility and …

Inertial Profilers

Highly Modular Sensors. Superior Software. Guaranteed to comply with smoothness requirements


Profilograph, California-type, constructed with a metal frame with about 25 ft. (7.62 m) between the front and rear wheel assembly supports, and allowing field calibration using vertical …

What is a Profilograph? (with picture)

A profilograph is a device designed to measure roughness in a surface. Roughness can be calculated in a number of different ways and provides important information about the quality and safety of a surface, as well as its suitability for an intended use. One of the most common uses for profilographs is on pavement such as that found on runways ...

Profilograph Definition & Meaning

The meaning of PROFILOGRAPH is an instrument borne on wheels for recording automatically the profile of the land over which it travels.

Profilometers | Surface Profilometer Working Principle

This article will explore the working principle of a surface profiler or profilometer in more detail: What is The Working Principle of Profilometer ?. A surface profilometer or profilometer uses high-precision data acquisition components to measure the distinct features of a product substrate on nano-, micro-, and macroscales. This is carried out through contact or non-contact methods.


California Profilograph consists of a frame 25 ft in length supported upon wheels at both ends. The California Profilograph is fabricated with a truss structure for stability (Figure 1). Beams or other systems are not permitted. The profilograph records the roadway surface profile from the vertical movement

Smoothness Specs 101 (Glossary)

Profilograph Index (PrI) A smoothness index that is computed from a profilograph trace. This is sometimes called Profile Index (PI), but is more specifically called PrI.

Smoothness Specs 101 (Understanding Specs)

CSI is similar to the Profilograph Index, but is produced by a specific rolling straightedge device. RQI, developed by the Michigan Department of State Highways in the late 1960's, is an index mathematically calculated from a profile produced by an inertial profiler device, and is reported as a number between 0 (perfectly smooth) and 100 ...

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